Staged Standards

Staged Standards, 2016, Toronto ON

Loop Gallery, Toronto ON

Staged Standards is a response to an ongoing study into architectural iconography as a sculptural gesture. The work consists of a series of materially aesthetic investigations of formally staged wooden fabrications and their echoed forms. These austere scaled assemblies of an architectural vernacular address the notions of permanence and transformation as a reflective relationship between the elements.

The latex rubber forms act as dualistic moments in an inter-connected relationship with their mirrored wooden original. Pragmatically this work utilizes the inherent properties of latex rubber, its skin like qualities and it structural integrity, as containers of forms and icons. The hard surfaced reality occupies a antipodean position in relation to the soft skinned latex empty vessels, constituting a connective bridging of the organic and the man-made – the mind and body – nature and culture.

Staged Standards are formal self-reflective acts of inherent tension and linked associations, a redefined vocabulary of form.

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